Global Cohort
Why do we have the Global Cohort?
As Global Outfitters our goal is to educate and equip the Church in Northwest Arkansas so that it can fulfill its responsibility in finishing the Great Commission.
Cross-cultural global work takes a lot of time and effort. Learn and discuss the intricacies of global missions with like-minded individuals.
That being said, we desire to provide any equipping opportunities for those starting the process of going overseas and we hope through this Cohort, each person will feel more prepared for the mission field.
What does the Global Cohort look like?
The Cohort meets one Friday every month. You will have the chance to hear from experts on different kinds of topics. Here are some we’ve covered.
Theology Triage
Theology of Suffering
What is/Isn't Missions
Transformation by Aviation is a Lie
The Gospel and Works
Abiding in Christ
Global Cohorts Fall 2024
September 6th— Spiritual Warfare
October 4th— Suffering
November 1st— Identity in Christ
December 6th— Conflict
All of our Cohorts fall on Friday evenings from 6-8pm at the Global Outfitters Offices (2844 N. College Ave.)